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A modern, one stop solution for delivering
the cover lessons your students deserve.


For many years, we have had to accept that a cover lesson will typically mean a poorer learning experience than usual. Now, edcover is transforming the way schools deliver, organise and monitor cover lessons.

The schools we support have confidence that their cover lessons are purposeful, targeted and delivering learning that will contribute to real progress for students.

What’s more, leadership teams can easily demonstrate that they take what happens in cover lessons seriously, and are striving to make them as impactful and worthwhile as possible – whilst simultaneously reducing the burden on teachers and cover managers.

Take a look at some of the stand-out features of edcover…

Manage Cover

Cover managers can access a summary of the day – providing assurance that every lesson has work set. Any issues for the coming day are conveniently highlighted.

Setting and accessing cover lessons

Absent teachers (or their line manager) can set their work with ease and speed, confident that nothing will be misplaced or lost. As edcover links to your MIS, timetables are automatically synced; this removes the possibility of a lesson being overlooked or forgotten.

Covering teachers simply click on the lesson and deliver; the class list and teaching materials are all there. You can view the lesson in advance to familiarise yourself.

AI Assistant

The AI Assistant is a huge time saver – especially if you happen to be setting a lesson on someone else’s behalf. Within seconds, it will create a great lesson on any topic with appropriate supporting materials.


All too often, there’s no communication between absent and covering teachers about how the lesson has gone; purely because we don’t have the time. Now however, in a few seconds, we can rate the lesson and give some feedback if needed. Analytics give SLT’s valuable insight as to the efficacy of cover lessons in their school.​

Help and Support

The reality is that edcover is incredibly straightforward and easy to implement.

That said, the team at edcover take great pride in the relationships we develop with schools. We’re always available to talk and happy to support schools in whatever way required. There is a help/support button on the platform along with a host of tutorial videos that can be accessed at any time.

In this video you can see how easy it is to set cover work on EdCover:

This is a short video demonstrating how to set cover work using EdCovers AI Assisstant:

Get In Touch

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Call us on

‭01179 269184

9 Tockington Lane,
BS32 4DZ